Urban Synergy held another Role Model Seminar at Christ the King Sixth Form College on Tuesday 21st November 2017 attended by over 140 students from the Christ the King campuses.
St Joseph’s Role Model Seminar
On Wednesday 11 October, Urban Synergy held a ‘Top Tips to the Top’ Role Model Seminars at St Joseph’s College in Upper Norwood.
Gordonbrock Role Model Seminar October 2017
On Wednesday 4 October, Urban Synergy held a ‘Top Tips to the Top’ Role Model Seminars at Gordonbrock Primary School for pre-transitional students in year 6.
Rangefield Primary Thomson Reuters STEM
On Tuesday 19 September, more than 70 year 6 pupils from Rangefield Primary School in Bromley attended an inspirational Role Model Seminar at Thomson Reuters, Canary Wharf.
Addey & Stanhope Role Model Seminar
Urban Synergy held a ‘Top Tips to the Top’ Role Model Seminars at Addey and Stanhope School for over 70 students in years 9, 10 and 11.
Prendergast Hilly Fields Academic Seminar
Urban Synergy held a ‘Think Further’ Academic Role Model Seminars at Prendergast Hilly Fields Sixth Form College on 7 September for over 100 sixth form students.
Baring Primary Role Model Seminar
On Friday 14 July, Urban Synergy held a ‘Top Tips to the Top’ Role Model Seminars at Baring Primary School for pre-transitional students in year 6.
Thomson Reuters STEM Seminar
On Monday 3 July, up to 80 year 7 pupils from all girls’ Prendergast Hilly Fields College, Brockley attended a STEM focused inspirational Role Model Seminar at Thomson Reuters, Canary Wharf.
Prendergast Hilly Fields Role Model Seminar
Urban Synergy held a ‘Top Tips to the Top’ Role Model Seminars at all girls’s Prendergast Hilly Fields College 29 June for over 60 students in years 9 and 10
STEM Role Model Seminar at Thomson Reuters
On Monday 24th April, 65 pupils from Christ the King Sixth Form College, attended an Inspirational Role Model Seminar at Thomson Reuters, Canary Wharf.
Lilian Baylis Role Model Seminar
Entrepreneur businessman and Dragon’s Den winner, Levi Roots and E4 TV Magician ‘Troy’ were amongst 24 ‘Role Models’ who attended the Urban Synergy ‘Top Tips to the Top’ Role Model Seminar at Lilian Baylis Technology School on 28 March 2017.