Sengova Kailondo is a solicitor in the Asset Finance team at Hogan Lovells International LLP and he has recently been recognised in The EMpower Ethnic Minority Future leaders Role Model List as an inspirational black role model
e-Mentoring Programme
With support from corporate partners we have piloted a successful e-Mentoring model with a focus on year 11-13 students
2.6 Challenge Fundraiser update
Update on our 2.6 Challenge to save Urban Synergy
Commemorating VE Day
Neil Flanigan MBE is a WW2 veteran and Urban Synergy Role Model. #VEDay75
Eliot Bank Primary Role Model Seminar
A big thank you to our inspirational role models who were at Eliot Bank Primary School talking with 56 children before half term.
Refinitiv STEM seminar
On Wednesday 29th January we kicked off 2020 with our first Corporate Role Model Seminar at Refinitiv, in Canary Wharf
Why role models are essential for good mental health
As this week is Children’s Mental Health Week, we have caught up with one of our past mentees to understand his feelings and the importance of taking time to talk.
Refinitiv Role Model Seminar
Urban Synergy were in Canary Wharf for the last corporate seminar for 2019 with students from Haberdashers’ Aske’s Knights Academy
Citi Role Model Seminar
On Friday 18th of October, we were invited into Citi Bank for their first Role Model Seminar with 38 students from Haberdashers’ Aske’s Knights Academy.
Kender Primary Role Model Seminar
Urban Synergy were at Kender Primary school to deliver another Role Model Seminar. The hall was filled with an audience of 116 children from Years 5 & 6 (aged 9 to 11yrs)
RISE Autumn 2019
This autumn, another cohort of Christ The King students completed the RISE programme at Barclays in Canary Wharf.
Christ The King Role Model Seminar
Urban Synergy held their last school seminar for the year at Christ the King – Emmanuel Sixth Form College on 19th November, over 120 students from all Christ the King sites attended the event.