Designed to inspire, guide and ignite ambition
Since 2007 we delivered inspirational careers seminars and mentoring programmes with professionals from a wide range of corporate employers.
These programmes are built on a proven model delivered to 33,000 young people between the ages of 9 to 24.

- Inspire young people with relatable Role Models
- Interactive career talks in school or via Zoom
- Workplace visits on Corporate Insight Days
- Match young people with a mentor
- Introduce them to our corporate partners
- Prepare them for work with CVs, mock interviews and enhanced confidence
- Secure internships
- Work experience
- Set young people on a career path
These have supported schools deliver a strong CEIAG strategy (Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance), and with our Gatsby aligned programmes, this has helped schools improve their Ofsted rating.
Our programmes are aligned with Gatsby benchmarks:
- Stable careers programme
- Learning from careers and labour market information
- Addressing the needs of each student
- Linking curriculum learning to careers
- Encounters with employers and employees
- Experiences of workplaces
By partnering with schools and businesses, we help young people get the support they need.

Career talks
At assemblies, online or in bespoke sessions, we bring the world of work into your school.
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Mock Interviews
We bring professionals into your classroom to guide your students on how to land a job.
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Work Experience
Graduate mentees gain access to valuable work experience with our corporate partners
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