Over the last 13 years we have introduced over 7000 children and young people to hundreds of Inspiring Professionals at our Role Model Seminars.
But then Covid hit and we had to stop in person events, but that was not going to stop us supporting young people in our community. We understand that now more than ever young people are under pressure and need encouragement and direction.
In response we have launched e-Seminars, online panel discussions with student Q&A, to keep them engaged. And the really great bit is now we are online, we are not limited by geography and travel time. We hope to have in person seminars again when it is safe, but for now we are reaching thousands of young people and raising their aspirations.
So far we have held multiple e-Seminars at Haberdashers Aske’s Hatcham College, Gordonbrock Primary School, Haberdashers Aske’s Knights Academy and St Joseph's College. With e-Seminars booked at Addey & Stanhope in December.
If you are keen to get e-Seminars rolling in your school, or would like to partner with us on your careers programme please contact us.
We’d like to thank all of the amazing volunteers that have made these seminars possible, we really couldn’t do it without you. Thanks to Chris Achiampong, Dolores Barrett, Eddie Nestor Patrick Clarke OBE, Ben Goss, Dr Donald Palmer, Nick Sylvester, Leon Coltress, Tafari Nelson, Lester Thomas, Angie Le Mar, Kofi Siaw, Shana Dacres, Dr Sarah Ann Filson, Greg Anthony, Che Sidanius, Chad Orororo, Dr. Samantha Tross, Stephen Akinsanya and Gary Hamilton.

The feedback has been really positive, Stephen Cabrera, Deputy Headteacher at St. Joseph's College said: “The Urban Synergy e-seminars provided an important opportunity for students to interact with adults other than teachers who can make what they are learning real. Teachers are not always seen as real people! Having ‘real’ people talk to them about what they do; how they got to do what they do – importantly with candour and honesty.”
Students at Haberdashers Aske's Knights Academy said
'“I have been encouraged to pursue my dreams as the job I want to do may not even exist yet”
“Being excellent at everything I do, was exactly what I needed to hear while I am working at home”
And “The best advice I heard was to ignore advice that does not support my dreams and to chase my goals with a passion”.
During October's Black History month we have also been showcasing the career journey's of our role model heroes and talking to the employees of the future in the classroom about how they can create a pathway to success where they too can thrive!
Gill Ramsey, Year Head at Haberdashers Aske's Knights Academy said: “Today our pupils participated in the Urban Synergy Black History Month Careers Seminar for Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10, all of whom are learning from home, due to COVID.
Knights students were inspired by professionals, who shared their own career journeys, history’s and pathways; the professionals encouraged students to strive for excellence, pursue their dreams and to settle for nothing less than their goals.
This seminar came at an ideal time and served to focus our pupils on achieving their best and for their futures during these challenging times. Staff at Knights Academy would like to thank Urban Synergy and the professionals for graciously sharing their time to uplift and inspire students at Knights Academy”
We even have the advantage of being able to record some of these sessions so the staff can share it across the school. Theo Shenbanjo, Careers Lead at Haberdashers Aske’s Hatcham College said “I can confirm that over the course of last week, 1000 students watched the Black History Month assembly. Our second assembly was viewed by 160 students, both assemblies served as an uplifting start to black history month and resonated with our student body and this made a real difference to their day and hopefully their futures”
“The online e-Seminars have enabled us to reach more students, still ensuring that students perceptions are challenged whilst promoting higher education, apprenticeships and career awareness” See a recording here
A Hatcham College student said: “As a young man from Peckham, it was great hearing from Chris, Leila and Dolores and I am focused on my future, thank you Mr Shenbanjo and Urban Synergy”.
Listen to Karen Hamilton, Assistant Head Teacher, talking after the Gordonbrook Primary school e-Seminar.
If you are keen to get e-Seminars rolling in your school, or would like to partner with us on your careers programme please contact us.