Please come out for the cause and spread the news as we need your support to help us getting mentors to do 1-1 mentoring for young people in our community
Tesco Management Development Programme targets Black and Asian Undergraduates
The Tesco Management Development Programme (MDP) is a professional and personal development programme that provides life-skills training in key competencies
Sir Alan looks for a junior apprentice
Next year, the popular TV programme will be looking for a Junior Apprentice. If you are aged between 16 and 17, this could be your golden opportunity. “Just like The Apprentice, Sir Alan will be looking for candidates with obvious real potential, a leader with a wide range of skills who is creative and bright” Details can be found on …
Fashion Flair 2009
A community fashion event presented by the Honor Oak Residents Association. For details of the event click on the links below: Event details (pdf) Terms and Conditions Fashion Flair Application Form
Hello Everyone You are very welcome to the Main Lewisham Community Police Consultative Group meeting on 2nd June 2009, Civic Suite, Lewisham Town Hall at 7.00pm [googlemap lat=”51.445100828324954″ lng=”-0.02124309539794922″ width=”300px” height=”200px” zoom=”15″ type=”G_NORMAL_MAP”]Civic Suite, Lewisham Town Hall[/googlemap] As well as the usual presentation from the Police Borough Commander and the Head of Crime Reduction Service at Lewisham Council we will have a guest speaker. …
Invitation to Girlation
For details of “girlation the exclusive event for London’s teen girls” click here
Woman with a Mission
Urban Synergy’s own Leila Thomas talks to The Voice about founding the organization
Black Health and Social Needs Conference
The ACFO (Croydon African and Caribbean Family Organization) are planning a Black Health and Social Needs Conference taking place on the 23rd May 09 in the Croydon area. They are a small voluntary sector organisation who provide an excellent service. Click here for a press release, and the image below for a poster.
NLP and Goal Setting Seminar
During the recent Easter holidays, six Urban Synergy mentees attended an NLP and Goal Setting Seminar at the Thomson Reuters building in the Docklands. This seminar was ably facilitated by Sonia Palmer. The mentees all said they enjoyed it, and said it made them think about: their behaviour their affect on others and how they communicate their respect for other …
Join Paul Lawrence this evening on Playvybz
From the man himself: “Join me on internet radio. From 6pm til 8pm I will be discussing the G20 demonstrations. Were the police heavy handed Have you lost confidence in the police Does this just confirm how you have always felt Do you think the police have a hard job and deserve our support If you want to contribute to this …
London Challenge Boys make beats with DJ Target
London Challenge Boys from Deptford Green School accompanied by Urban Synergy mentors, visited BBC 1Xtra’s and Roll Deep’s DJ Target
St Matthew Academy and Urban Synergy at 10 Downing Street
Urban Synergy helped to inspire a group of Year 8 girls from St Matthew Academy in Lewisham to raise over £2000 and to win a National Competition