Our 2018/19 cohort of 1-2-1 Mentees went on a programme of great activities over the summer from learning to manage their finances with Barclays to a pop-up roller disco!
Particular highlights were a cooking workshop, teaching the young people about good nutrition and the importance of a good breakfast before school. After learning about good kitchen hygiene, they were split into teams to cook new dishes and competing for the best dish on the day.
Barclays volunteers helped deliver a money management workshop where mentees learned about starting a business, credit cards, mortgages, loans, saving also credit ratings. Several asked questions about running their own business, three of the mentees have already started business ventures.
Barclays volunteers also talked about money management and their own experiences working part-time, at university and full-time work.
Mentees also attended a Creative TV workshop, Bowling and a trip to Thorpe Park to round off the summer.