On Wednesday 29th October, Urban Synergy took a group of young people to visit University of Cambridge to learn more about university life and the opportunities it brings. We were met at Gonville and Caius by Ingrid Hesselbo, Schools Liaison Officer and given an introduction to life at Cambridge and universities in general. Following an interactive and informative presentation on the university, we were given a tour of library, and part of the university grounds.
Some of the key facts about Cambridge and studying for a degree:
When choosing a degree course
- Not all careers need a degree in that subject. Examples of Journalists, BBC producer, banker, pilot, civil servant for the EU all studied music
- Better to be engaged and interested in subject being studied.
- There are over 300 universities in the UK offering over 30,000 courses.
Cambridge in particular look for:
- Mostly A and A* grade in 3 A level subjects
- Students from any background, they must be interested and able in subject to be studied
- Entrance interview to see if you are passionate about your subject, and have the ability to think for yourself
What you gain from University:
- Learn to be independent
- Meeting new people from different backgrounds
- Skills gained from university life are transferable. Ability to write well, conduct arguments etc.
Studying at Cambridge
- Small group teaching at Oxford and Cambridge. 11M books in library.
- Tuition fees comparable to other universities. Subsidised accommodation and food. Generous bursaries (means tested).
- World class facilities, the university won Nobel prize for physics recently.
- Typically students have 3-4 hours in lectures, rest of time is studying. Students encouraged to read other material on subject, not just what is taught. Do own research.
- Students are typically set 8 essays of 3,000 words a term.
Advice to studying at school, learn more, read more books, go faster than school teaching. Use Internet resources. Our thanks to Gonville and Caius college for hosting the event, it was a very interesting and informative afternoon for everyone involved. If you would like to find out more, follow on Twitter @CaiusCollege or visit their website Gonville and Caius College