Skydiving Fundraiser Event

Trevor ColeFundraiser, News

28th September 2013 – Last saturday, a dozen Urban Synergy supporters, including mentors, role models and young ambassadors, jumped from 15,000 ft high above the Cambridgeshire countryside, risking life and limb, to raise funds for Urban Synergy.

It was a great day out, my thanks go out to all those who made it possible, these include our brave jumpers, those who organised the event, those who provided food and those who came along to support the jumpers. We should also thank the staff of the North London Skydiving Centre for their professionalism and good humour, which greatly contributed to making the event so special.

So far we have raised over £4000, it is still possible to make a donation until October 31st. Please click the button below:

‘Urban Synergy (registered charity number 113802) is currently awaiting processing by HMRC of its Gift Aid application.   We should expect notification and award of obtaining Gift Aid status later this month.
It should also entitle us to claim back on charitable donations going back the last few years.’