Make your Mark for a Tenner, set off with a session at the Catford Town Hall with 6 mentees eager to find ways to create a social enterprise business that will be a benefit to the local community.
Goal Setting Workshop
Mentees attended a Goal Setting Workshop this week given by Sonia Palmer at Thomson Reuters in Docklands.
DesignerArt Cakes
Looking for a cake for that special occasion? Marcia of DesignerArt Cakes recently offered a designer cake as a prize at the recent Urban Synergy Fundraiser at Digress. She also made a cake especially for Urban Synergy which people sampled on the night, and was very popular by all accounts. Marcia says “Currently I am designing cakes to match the: …
T-Shirt printing at Fifth Column
Urban Synergy mentees went on a trip to north London’s Fifth Column t-shirt printing company and had a great time.
Why I’m Proud
It’s often assumed that the old and the young have little in common. But last week, two Urban Synergy mentees disproved this by volunteering at the Pineapple Luncheon Club
Mentoring and Befriending August Events Roundup
Mentoring and Befriending Foundation Events Roundup for August
Mentors! Make Your Mark For A Tenner!
Can you help our youngsters dream? Know a little something about business and social enterprise?
First Aid Training
Mentees learned about Basic Life Support from London Ambulance instructor Norman. The course covered heart attacks, strokes, choking, bleeding, putting casualties in the recovery position and CPR.
Tesco Bag Packing
Today mentors, mentees and members of the Urban Synergy team spent the afternoon bag packing at Tesco Lewisham. A big thankyou to Tesco and everyone who attended especially the public who donated money to help Urban Synergy organise events for young people.
Fun2Dancenow Free Family Funday CookOut
Free Family Funday out, a perfect place to bring the kids now that they are on their Summer holidays
Yes, Your Honour?
Last month, mentee Sengova, 15 shadowed a barrister and legal professionals at London’s prestigious Furnival Chambers for two weeks. Here, he recounts what he experienced.
Spirit Of London Awards
The Spirit of London awards are an inspirational new awards scheme for young Londoners.