Urban Synergy held their last school seminar for the year at Christ the King - Emmanuel Sixth Form College on 19th November, over 120 students from all Christ the King sites attended the event. Role models representing various industries also attended the event, the role model panellists were:
- Colin Donaldson; Pilot - British Airways
- Ade Adelekan; Chief Superintendent, Violent Crime Task Force - Metropolitan Police Service
- Adrian Grant; Producer - Baronet Entertainment & Media
- Mahta Mehari; Senior Software Project Manager - SAP
- Troy Von Scheibner; TV Magician - Troy
All of the role model panellists talked about their career journeys and difficulties and challenges along the way. Colin Donaldson provided some tips on subjects to study for that particular career path and useful skills. Colin said ‘when someone is offering opportunities grab them. Whatever you want to do - keep your eyes open. If there is something you want to do and have a setback, try and get over it and keep going. If someone has walked the path you want to go, talk to them - don’t do it alone.’
Ade Adelekan originally had career aspirations in science and studied for a Microbiology degree before deciding on a different path by joining the police force in his late twenties. Ade said ‘the road to anything you choose is not straightforward. You have to have an education and it does help. Be honest with yourself, do ask for help - we all need it.’ Ade also said ‘you have to work hard, ask yourself if you’re working as hard as you can to achieve your dreams.’
Adrian Grant showed the students a video which featured him talking to Michael Jackson relating to a fanzine that Adrian wrote and published about Michael Jackson and also excerpts from the many shows that he has produced including Thriller Live and Respect - The Aretha Franklin Songbook. Adrian talked to the students and said ‘believe in yourself and remain true to yourself, don’t give up. Be willing to learn and listen.’
Mahta Mehari spoke about the many challenges that she has faced including personal ones like being homeless and not being sure of what direction to take careerwise. Mahta said ‘don’t have a singular vision, don’t have a singular path - keep it nice and broad. Integrity is the foundation of everything. No labels - let society put labels on you don’t let your family put a label on you. Say yes to things, say yes to people and opportunities. Say yes and work it out as you go along.’
Troy Von Scheibner talked about being an alumni at Christ the King Sixth Form College and his dream of becoming a magician, while at the same time ensuring that he had a back up plan by completing A’ levels and gaining a Creative Marketing degree. A chance meeting led to a meeting with producers and a TV show. Troy said, ‘Everyone should have a back up plan, have patience - be patient. Don’t feel like it’s the end of the world if it doesn’t happen for you straight away. Believe in yourself, you should be your own cheerleader. Be nice...be kind, always be nice.’
As well as the panellists, the role models who attended on the evening included engineers, project managers, firefighters, fashion stylists, C.E.Os and lawyers.
Student feedback
‘I will take opportunities whenever I can, accept failure as a part of success. Do research outside and have a plan B, be confident in myself. I enjoyed the panel and individual speaking also gaining one to one information and knowledge.’
‘You should never give up and not be afraid to transfer skills to different paths as you never know where you will end up.’
‘I learned that failure is something to embrace and to learn from, also to take opportunities when they are offered to me.’
‘I will continue to dream big and try and try again.’