We are so pleased to announce the new Career Jumpstart program that Urban Synergy and Capgemini launched in February 2019. Capgemini are a global leader in consulting, technology services and digital transformation, so bring excellent insight and inspiration to the Year 12, sixth form students.
This corporate mentoring programme will deliver a series of workshops and events for students who have expressed an interest in technology and STEM careers and are based in the Lewisham borough. The students, aged 16-17 yrs, taking part in the workshops are from:
- Christ the King Sixth Form College (both Emmanuel and St. Mary campuses)
- Haberdashers Askes Hatcham College
- Prendergast Hillyfields
The programme is formed of 6 workshops, two led by Urban Synergy to prepare the students for the workplace and then 4 delivered by Capgemini both in their offices and off site.
Ready For Work
Workshop 1 was held on February 13th, and was focused on being “Ready for Work”.
18 students attended the workshop, held at the Catford Civic Suite and arrived in business dress, to encourage them to be thinking about the world of work from the very beginning. One student commented ‘I learned that you should always dress appropriately for interviews and first impressions are important. I will always wear smart clothes and prepare for the interview by researching the company.’
The students took part in a networking activity with the Urban Synergy team and Capgemini representatives. They also learned about interview skills, work etiquette and what to include in your CV. The students also learned how to deliver an elevator pitch, how to understand your digital CV and how you may be perceived from it.
The students learning about effective listening in the networking session.
By working with the students in small groups, they could really take in what the leaders were saying. Student feedback showed that they learned a lot during the session:“I learned about how to present myself in an interview. I will be more aware of how I behave in a work environment and to use every opportunity I can. I enjoyed the interactive session about the elevator pitch.”
And “I learned how to write an elevator pitch as well as key things to include on my CV.”
By mixing the students from multiple colleges, they could network with new peers and learn from each other. With one young person commenting: “I need to start working on my communication skills, I will also volunteer and do work experience. I enjoyed the group activities.”
Goal Setting
On February 27th, we held Urban Synergy’s second workshop, this time focused on goal setting at Goldsmiths University.
Each student completed a workbook about their short and long term goals, and how they are working to achieve them. We also asked them to list their values. The students learned what their key values were and how to visualise reaching their goals, as well as how to work towards them in the future. One student commented ‘It is important to set goals; even small goals to reach a big goal. I will make mini goals to get to my big one. I enjoyed the group activities.’
The session was interactive so the students could actively learn and take time to reflect on what is important to them. Another student said: ‘I learned how I can set goals for myself. I will study more and make a plan to be organised rather than doing nothing and having your mind all over the place. I enjoyed the practical demonstrations the most because I understood more.’
By inviting them to a session at the university they could clearly see a possible next step on their path, “I learned that it is not too early to start thinking big. I will put goals in my day to day.’
The young people also saw that nothing is out of their reach, if they try hard enough: ‘I learned that it’s really important to set yourself a long term goal and that nothing is impossible. I will set myself long term goals and constantly work towards my goals. I enjoyed establishing what my values are as this allowed me to understand myself better.’