Thanks to AnTony Blondell of Blonductions Photo-ography, for some fabulous additions to our collection to commemorate the event. Click here for the web gallery and here for a pdf
Talking about the Role Model Seminar…
“To all the Urban synergy team from St Matthew Academy. The event that you organised for our school community tonight was simply awesome.”
Top Tips St Matthew Academy
In a joint enterprise with St Matthew Academy and the REACH Role Models, Urban Synergy presented a panel of inspiring role models with their their top tips for success.
Profile of Mo Ibrahim
“Africans, he says, smiling, should realise that there are so many potential great African leaders that the continent has even been able to lend one to the United States” Here is a link to an article on Mo Ibrahim which appeared in the Observer 1st February. In addition to being a fantastic role model and a great inspiration to everyone, …
Volunteer in New York – Summer 2009
Each summer Winant Clayton Volunteers sends a group of Brits (called Claytons) of all ages and backgrounds to New York City to work in community-based projects (homelessness, mental health, children, inter-cultural relations). At the same time a group of Americans (called Winants) come to East London to do the same. If accepted, the Claytons must pay a modest programme fee …
Pictures of the Inauguration
Stunning images from a truly historic event see Thanks Melanie for supplying the link.
Why G UP Drama?
G UP Drama is about capturing life and all the expressions it has to offer. You will gain skills that not only compliment your creativity but will help and inspire you to deal with real life issues.
Where will you be when…
Barack Obama is inaugurated to be the first black President of the USA? Here is a suggestion… Â
Do You Know Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work?
More food for thought from Steve Beckles-Ebusua of Serious Intentions Click here to find out why. Happy New Year!
Interview with our Founder
An article from Pride Magazine featuring an interview with Urban Synergy’s Founder Leila Thomas.
More Pictures from the Seasonal Social Event
More pictures from the Urban Synergy Seasonal Social event held 5th December 2008. Thanks to Mr Gorgeous himself, Ayo Osibogun of the c-a-n-i Consultancy for providing these pictures. For pictures click here for a pdf.
Merry Christmas and Thank You!
Big thanks for your support this year.. It’s been fun! And we’re looking forward to 2009. Happy Holidays folks – Enjoy! Leila