The local MP for Lewisham Heidi Alexander mentions Urban Synergy in her maiden speech at the House of Commons.
Careers Event Day 2010
Black Youth Achievements is holding a Careers Event Day on Thursday 22nd July, 11am – 5pm at Lambeth Town Hall
An update on our recent activities from Urban Synergy founder Leila
This week Urban Synergy held a mentor catchup session, a chance for active and aspiring mentors to meet and exchange valuable experience.
Urban Synergy Seeks Britain’s Next Top Graduate and Undergraduate Role Models
Got what it takes to inspire Year 9, 10 and 11 schoolchildren to pursue academic excellence? Want to give something back to young people within your community?
Mentee Events 2010
Urban Synergy has put together a programme of Summer Events for mentees including seminars, media workshops, sports, sailing and fun days out.
Internship with Guardian Films
The Scott Trust, owner of Guardian Media Group plc, is pleased to offer an internship with Guardian Films
Mentoring and Befriending June News
This months Intouch magazine includes information on the new government’s Big Society initiative as well as news of the first project approved under the new APS.
Mentoring and Befriending June Events Roundup
This months training events include :
A course for training children and young people to become peer mentors
A networking event for befriending coordinators working with older people.
A course for training volunteer befrienders
A course for applying a solution based approach in mentoring
Mentee profile: Elliott
Urban Synergy mentee Elliott talks about what mentoring means to him.
Free journalism course at Goldsmiths
Free journalism course at Goldsmiths for 16-19 year olds
Learn the Big Dance
Lewisham Council and Laban have joined forces to lead the Big Dance Flash Mob which will take place at People’s Day on 10 July in Mountsfield Park
Swim for free in Lewisham
Did you know that Lewisham residents aged 16 and under can swim for free at local pools?