Urban Synergy spent their morning at Myatt Garden Primary School on Thursday 23rd May delivering their Role Model Seminar, the children were excited to meet various role models from different industries.
The panel were:
- Bill Armstrong - Screenwriter & Actor (Freelance/BBC)
- Simon Raper - Data Scientist & Statistician (Coppelia Machine Learning & Analytics)
- Flo Headlam - Garden Designer (Flo the Gardener/Gardener’s World BBC)
Role models from various companies also attended including; Legal & General, BBC, Dartford F.C & Crystal Palace F.C., Engie, Age UK, Department of Education, City University London.
Bill Armstong spoke to the children about the challenges of life as a screenwriter about the successes and disappointments and told the children;
‘If you have a dream, don’t let anyone talk you out of it. Be prepared to work hard, any dream that is worth having a lot of people will want to do it. Stick at it and don’t ever give up. You make your own luck by working hard.’
Simon Raper spoke to the children about his background, experiences at school and of some challenges while growing up and also showed the children a video of the robotic arm that he had programmed. Simon said;
‘You can always get yourself out of a mess if you work hard. If you are useful and take a problem away from someone else, people will love you for it. Be useful, be responsive and kind. Find something that really pushes you on.’
Flo Headlam spoke about the different jobs and places where she had worked, grasping opportunities when they arose and finding a career or interest that you enjoyed. She also showed the children some of her garden designs. Flo said;
‘Look for something that makes you happy that you enjoy. Find out where your creative centre is. When you have a problem talk to someone about it. You have to be yourself and exude your personality - there will always be a place for that in the world. Some opportunities come to you when you least expect it, it is important to do things you really enjoy. Feel the fear and do it anyway. Work out what’s your VIBE and find your tribe.
Myatt Garden student Hannah thanked the role models for visiting her school and said the main message she received from the morning was ‘believe in yourself’ which was also the message written on her teeshirt!
Headteacher, Sally Williams, also thanked Urban Synergy and said ‘don’t give up and keep going. Think about what sort of people you want to work alongside and be that person.’
Feedback from some of the 10 - 11 year old students is featured below;
‘I enjoyed learning about loads of different jobs that I did not know about. I will work really, really hard and be nice - never give up and grab opportunities.’
‘I learned to help myself in the future, I need to work hard now. I will try to do the best I can and be confident.’
‘I enjoyed listening to Simon as he does coding and I am interested in coding.’
‘I enjoyed hearing the role models’ stories of how they got to where they are now. I will never think that I can’t do something or it is impossible.’
‘I learned that you should never let your dreams slip through your fingers. All of the role models inspired me because they told me things that will help me in the future. I will make sure that I will work hard.
‘I will choose my friends carefully and try not to be with the people who don’t listen in class.’
‘I will work hard and study hard and take the opportunities when they come.’
I will try my best and not let people discourage me from what I want to do in the future.’
‘Simon inspired me because he made a robot arm and when I get older I want to be an engineer who creates new inventions and designs. I’ve always wanted to make a robot arm. I will concentrate at all times and be consistent.’
‘I learned that I need to work hard if I want to do my dream job and believe in myself.’
‘I enjoyed meeting all of the role models and learning what they do and how they do it.’