Urban Synergy’s first Role Model seminar of 2018 took place at Eliot Bank Primary school, on Tuesday 27th February and was attended by 60 students.
Mark Ridler, Head teacher, introduced Urban Synergy and the event was hosted by Dianne Johnson from the US team. It was a great panel which consisted of;
- Mary Martin - Fashion Designer, Mary Martin London
- Martin Elliott - Property Developer, Elliott Investments Ltd
- Dr. Donald Palmer - Associate Professor of Immunology, Royal Veterinary College, University of London
- David Olusegun - CEO, Black Diamond Records
- Angie Le Mar - Comedian, Actor, Writer, Director, Presenter & Producer. Straight to Audience Productions
Mary Martin talked about being a self taught designer, she decided to go back to university to see if she could learn more about the fashion business. Despite her fashion commitments Mary is continuing to study and is learning about textiles now, she said ‘it’s never too late to learn.’ Mary also told the students to ‘focus on what you want in life, never give you up and believe in yourself.’
Mary also brought along two of her designs to show her young audience, the dress she designed as a tribute to Prince and also a dress that she designed in recognition of the Queens 90th birthday.
Martin Elliott talked about his journey to a property developer. He trained as an Electrician which helps him in his career, Martin advised students to ‘save money and invest in yourself. Study hard in something related to what you want to be. Martin also talked about the challenges of completing property developments and one of his top tips was for students to ‘work hard at school, stay focused, don’t give up and persevere.
Dr. Donald Palmer spoke about one of his earlier role models, Spiderman, and how he wanted to be a scientist and wear glasses like Peter Parker. Donald’s parents noticed his interest in science at a young age and bought him a chemistry set to fuel his passion. Donald told the students to ‘explore, go out and discover! Be bold and be brave and explore the world around you. The future will require you guys.’
David Olusegun started out playing football for West ham and stopped at the age of 16yrs and wondered what to do next. He completed his degree and his masters and began working as a football agent before moving into the artist and repertoire industry; talent scouting for new artists, finding music material for them and stylists under the Warner UK umbrella. David’s advice to the students was ‘if you have an opportunity, make sure you deliver and never be afraid to fail. Don’t let a no be a no, make your no a yes. He also said that his family kept him grounded and his friends and family ‘inspire me every day.’
Angie Le Mar talked about her difficulties at school as she found reading difficult which she later realised was due to her Dyslexia. Angie was diagnosed at the age of 10yrs old. She discovered that she could make people laugh and had a talent for comedy and performed across the country - she also told some funny stories to the audience. Angie said ‘if you think you can do something, you’re right!’ She began writing, producing and also performing in her own plays and told the students ‘don’t be put off by people, don’t worry about a no - it’s a delayed yes.’
Role models in attendance included; a barrister, paramedic, female and male firefighter, Met Police sergeant, author & publisher, technology consultant, Freelance stylist, development manager, train driver, specialist recruiter (RAF), ICT Manager, National Account Manager - Vodafone.
Thank you to Eliot Bank’s Head Mark Ridler and also Andrea Osmond for helping to organise the seminar and for having us at Eliot Bank.
Feedback from the students
‘Angie Le Mar - You have really inspired me to work harder to achieve my goal as an actress. I really appreciate you taking your time out of your busy life to come and talk to us. Even though you’re dyslexic you’re perfect just the way you are. Your words made me think more about my future job. Thank you very much. From Maia aged 11yrs an inspired student.’
‘Angie Le Mar - one of the many reasons I liked you was because I am Dyslexic too (but I love reading) so you have showed me to keep strong. So even if someone insults me for being how I am, you remind me to stay strong and not care about what they say. Also I am quite into comedy and drama so you are the perfect role model.’ Martha aged 11yrs.
‘I learned that you need to work hard and stay true to yourself. Donald, Shivaun and David inspired me because they worked their hardest and tried again if they failed. I will keep trying and do my best. I enjoyed seeing lots of amazing people who have worked hard to accomplish their goals.’ Anne, aged 11yrs
‘Martin Elliott - I was really inspired by your job as a property developer, I think your job is interesting as I really like design and property developments.’ Aurela aged 11yrs
‘Dear Urban Synergy, thank you for coming to our school, it informed us very much. I loved how the people took time out of their busy lives to talk to us. I was fascinated.’ Zayn, aged 11yrs
‘Thank you for coming to Eliot Bank. It was amazing you could come and you really inspired us. I have enjoyed learning about your jobs especially Mary the fashion designer because I want to follow in her footsteps and be like her. I also liked Geoffrey because he helped me to choose between someone who works with computers, a criminal lawyer and a fashion designer. I also liked Shevonne Bramley, I learned a lot of interesting things about her life in the Air Force.’ Samera aged 11yrs
‘I am writing to thank you, for how much I appreciated your visit to Eliot Bank and for showing me that success is in my hands.’ Rozana, aged 11yrs