Celebrating our 15 year anniversary


Our 15 year anniversary event at the London Stock Exchange Group in London

On Monday, December 5th 2022, we had the most wonderful evening, Celebrating our 15 year Anniversary, hosted by the London Stock Exchange Group

Over the last 15 years, we have been dedicated to helping connect young people from underrepresented and disadvantaged communities with relatable role models, 1-2-1 mentoring and career opportunities, and last night we saw that come to life.

Our 15 year milestone

We have supported more than 20,000 young people and are continually growing! If you’d like to help join us on our mission to build an equitable future, Contact Us

At the Celebration we launched our new testimonial video and presented many well deserved awards to our amazing young people, volunteers, leaders, teachers and schools. 🏆

Though the nominations were very close, we are pleased to announce the following winners:

  • The Paul Lawrence Award - Hawa-Kaytee Jalloh
  • The Teacher Advocacy Award - Jake Armstron of Addey & Stanhope School
  • The Exceptional Leadership Award - Cheree Psalms and Nikki Hall Jones of WTW
  • The Star Mentee Award - Ryan Odita
  • The Outstanding School Contribution Award - Prendergast and Prendergast Ladywell Schools collected by Ike Okey and Garfield Gordon
  • The Outstanding Role Model Award - Dolores Barett
  • The Exceptional Mentor Award - Mike Goodbody of Citi
  • The Work Experience Hero Award - Maria Willcockson of M&G Plc
  • The Ally Award - Simon Raper of Coppelia Machine Learning

Look out for more information on our winners on our social media in the coming days.

Special thanks to Eddie Nestor who hosted the evening, our Trustees, Urban Synergy Corporate Advisory board members that presented awards.

Our 15 year anniversary event was a fantastic evening highlighting successes, raising over £3,500 and hearing happy stories from passionate people. We will continue to do more.

It starts with US.