Urban Synergy held it’s 3rd AGM at Barclays Capital, Canary Wharf. Core members of the team were joined by over 100 supporters including mentors, parents, teachers and mentees.
Inspirational You…
Harmony Foundation presents Inspirational YOU an annual FREE community event being held to celebrate International Women’s Month.
Think Further Academic Seminar at Bonus Pastor College
Urban Synergy delivered another “Think Further Academic Seminar” at Bonus Pastor College
Mentoring and Befriending March Events Roundup
Click here for this months events roundup from the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation.
Wonder Twins Head For High School Aged Nine
Two nine year olds known as the Wonder Twins for their record-beating exam results are set to become the youngest pupils admitted to a British secondary school.
Urban Synergy 3rd Annual General Meeting
Urban Synergy will be holding it’s 3rd Annual General Meeting on Thursday 1st April 2010 6pm – 8.30pm at Barclays Capital, Canary Wharf
Karamu Afrika at the School of Oriental and African Studies
At the School of Oriental and African Studies, there will be storytelling, music and dance, there will be an exhibition of photography and an opportunity to participate in a hands on Djembe drum rhythms workshop
Mentoring and Befriending February News
Click here for the latest issue of In touch, the magazine published by the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation.
Mentoring and Befriending February Events Roundup
Click here for this months events roundup from the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation.
Summer Internship with The Pearson Group
Pearson Group offers summer training and development programmes for students and graduates from ethnic minority backgrounds.
Mentoring and Befriending January News
Click here for the latest issue of In touch, the magazine published by the Mentoring and Befriending Foundation.
Haiti Needs Your Support
Haiti Needs Your Support